ID Bootcamp Reviews

Are you interested in joining the ID Bootcamp? Explore the reviews on this page to learn more about what to expect. If you'd like to see the portfolios that these people create in the bootcamp, visit the showcase.

Hear from our graduates

Listen to the stories of several of our recent graduates to learn how the bootcamp played a role in their journey in becoming an instructional designer and landing their top-choice role.

On the road to success

Hear from current bootcampers whose experiences span various points of the bootcamp process.

Explore the testimonials

Bootcampers have been following the proven Devlin Peck process to find success since the program began in 2020. Keep reading to learn about each unique success story of those who have worked with us over the years.

Vanessa Miller
Instructional Designer at UCSF Health

I was so impressed with the bootcamp package. I initially thought that I was going to teach myself all of this stuff on my own, but was very grateful that I ended up doing the bootcamp because it provided that scaffolding that I needed. When I started collaborating with my bootcamp pro to have that back and forth - the option to have somebody to run your ideas by - there's so much value in that.

You can't put a price tag on having that kind of relationship as you're really trying to build something that's going to hopefully get you a job.

When I first found out I got my job, it was just really exciting because when you take a bet on yourself of that level, especially somebody who works at independent schools when you have no real job lined up after a certain point, it was really scary to do that.

And there was a couple of moments where I almost was close to just saying, "I'll stay another year." But it was nice to be able to get the job that I think was the right fit for myself and gave me everything I really wanted, which was to work remotely.

It was a big day. And I wouldn't have done it without all the interview prep from the bootcamp. It was such a help to have those templates to fill out because this was the first job I interviewed for. So to be able to be prepared for the first one in a new field, kind of with a new type of language was something that I was really anxious about.

And I felt that those tools really helped prepare me to the fullest.  It's been really fun just nerding out with people talking about Storyline. I really love having those conversations, and also just not being tied to that school calendar and taking vacations when I want. I'm not so fixed to this life of teaching and now have a life of flexibility while doing something that I'm actually really passionate about. It's just been such a game changer.

Kassie Calvo
Instructional Designer at Notarize

When I joined Devlin’s Bootcamp, I was in my 8th year of teaching and looking to transition out of the classroom and into corporate instructional design. I selected Devlin’s Bootcamp after seeing his contributions to the L&D community and his genuine desire to help others improve.

After joining, I felt encouraged and supported by Devlin and the bootcamp community as a whole. Their constructive, actionable feedback helped me create a flagship project, portfolio website, and supporting projects, and my skillset improved rapidly along the way.

My flagship project and portfolio website helped me land a remote instructional design job that doubled my salary. I’m excited for this new opportunity to create learning experiences for others that uses my new skills and my expertise as an educator. I’m proud of my hard work and thankful for Devlin’s support.

Shelby Kandziora
Learning Designer

After deciding on instructional design as a career path, I just started doing stuff on my own. I did courses online to learn like the principles, the theories, and to start learning how to use Storyline, which were great. But I noticed that I just didn't really have any structure or guidance, and I was constantly asking myself, 'Am I doing this right? Am I learning what I need to know?' And I didn't like that.

So I started looking at different certificate programs, and ultimately I went with the bootcamp because I liked that it was self-paced and  that I would get professional guidance from the pros. There was a community of people that I could lean on. And most of all, I just liked that it felt more hands on. I just really wanted to get in there and upskill, learn the authoring tools, as well as continue to learn the foundational stuff as well. And just to feel like I was going to be ready to jump into that role when the time came down the road.

After I finished my flagship project and my portfolio was ready to rock, I started applying for jobs. I interviewed with two different companies. I went through all three rounds of the interviews, and I accepted my current role as a remote learning designer less than two months after finishing the bootcamp.

And overall, my biggest takeaway from the program was just the confidence that it gave me going into the field. Again, a lot of that goes back to the help from the bootcamp pros. I can't thank them enough for being with me on this journey and for being my cheerleaders, too, giving me that encouragement that I can do this. And now, I AM doing it!

Katherine Porter
Learning Experience Designer

I don't know that I would be where I am today without the bootcamp. My technical skills and critical thinking skills have grown, giving me the competitive advantage and open door that I needed to help people kind of see the skills that I have and how applicable they are to what they're looking for. The community is very supportive. I mean, you get a group of teachers together and it's a positive party of like, "you can do it" and "this looks really good" and "try this."

I've been in my role for about a month, and I feel very strongly that the reason that I can kind of hop into things and hit the ground running is because I had those months in the bootcamp where I was kind of already absorbing learning and building my skills. Whether my job has me working with SMEs, storyboarding, or building eLearning, it really does follow that progression and process that I followed in the bootcamp.

I feel like I'm at a point in my career where I'm no longer kind of running away from something that doesn't fit anymore. I'm really excited to be where I am.

Aleksandra Drobik
Learning Experience Designer at Fidelity Investments

I was in the process of transitioning from teaching to instructional design when I found the bootcamp. Before joining, I did a lot of research and networking to learn more about the field. One thing was clear: I would need a portfolio that shows off my work and skillset to really stand out in the market.

Because I wanted to push myself and create the best portfolio I could, I decided to join Devlin’s bootcamp. His free content made me confident that the bootcamp would be even better.

Once I joined bootcamp, I felt a great sense of support from Devlin, my bootcamp team, and everyone in the community. I learned how to think like an instructional designer, talk like an instructional designer, and create projects like an instructional designer.

With this support and confidence, I worked with a real client for one of my portfolio projects. I pinpointed the business problem and used the full instructional design process to help solve it.

The bootcamp pushed me to create my best work and learn plenty of skills in the process. I also built authentic friendships with people in the community, and this made working on my portfolio even more enjoyable and motivating.

Once my portfolio and projects went live, I began interviewing at some of my top-choice companies in the city that I wanted to move to. I received multiple offers and wound up taking a remote learning experience design role that I’ve been very happy with so far. I could not have done it without the support of Devlin and the bootcamp community!

Aneta Wisniewska
Instructional Designer

Before joining the bootcamp, I had been teaching elementary for seven years. I was struggling financially, mentally, and physically. The unrealistic expectations, lack of work-life balance, low pay, student behavior, and no opportunities for career growth pushed me toward a career change. I researched many different career paths and chose instructional design because I could apply many skills that I already had, and I could also be creative on-the-job.

I watched Devlin's content and took a leap of faith to join the bootcamp. It was scary at first, leaving behind a profession I felt confident doing for so long, but I had to put myself first. I was burned out and needed a drastic change in my life.

When I joined the bootcamp, I knew very little about corporate instructional design. However, Devlin himself, the bootcamp pros, and the bootcamp community helped me gain the necessary skills to break into the field. My visual design, eLearning development, and instructional design skills improved greatly. Once I created my flagship projects, put my portfolio together, and rewrote my resume, I felt confident to start applying for jobs.

Ultimately, I landed three job offers because of my portfolio and the skills I learned in the bootcamp. I chose the company that aligned the best with my values and beliefs. I work remotely for a healthcare company that provides value-based care for patients with kidney disease. I create eLearning modules for employees to get the necessary training before entering the field and caring for our patients. I love what I am doing! It has been a learning curve, but it's exciting, and I am hungry for more.

Joining the bootcamp was the best decision I have ever made! My life is so much different now. The constant stress is gone, my health is better, and I have my weekends back to myself! I highly recommend joining the bootcamp if you're looking for the same.

Laura Strombergsson
eLearning Developer at alo

I joined Devlin’s Bootcamp because I wanted to seriously up my game and land my dream role in the eLearning industry. I felt this was the right move because I not only wanted to build a solid portfolio—I also wanted 1-on-1 support and good critical feedback on my work.

Devlin was instrumental in helping me develop a killer portfolio and giving the kind of feedback I was looking for to truly improve. In the end, I was able to garner an amazing E-Learning Developer position at Sephora, an international beauty brand that not only aligns strongly with my own values, but that I’m also a huge personal fan of. I couldn’t be happier with the way this all turned out, and I’m sure that I wouldn’t be where I am without Devlin’s guidance and coaching.

Teresa Moreno
Freelance Instructional Designer

I've been working as a freelance Instructional Designer and eLearning Developer since 2017, but I had not used Articulate Storyline. In 2020, I decided to learn Storyline so that I could use this tool for my clients. 

Looking for ways to upskill, I came across Devlin's content and his popular article, "How to Become an Instructional Designer.” I totally identified with Devlin's sense of design after seeing his portfolio, so I started to follow his work and tutorials on Youtube. 

Then, in 2021, I joined the bootcamp because I wanted to update my portfolio with new and more elaborate projects. I knew I could bring my skills to the next level with Devlin's support.

After joining the bootcamp, I saw the structure of the program and the quality of work that other bootcampers were producing. This immediately showed me that I was in the right place to achieve my goals. 

I've learned a lot, consolidated my design and development process, and built my confidence with Storyline. Devlin's feedback was there every step of the way to push me as far as I was willing to go, and I even led a bootcamp team to help the community and hold myself accountable.

The bootcamp helped me revamp my website and develop a high-quality flagship project that showcases my design and development skills. 

As I was developing my flagship project, I got a request from a new client for a big, high-level project using Articulate Storyline. Being in the bootcamp and having Devlin's one-on-one support gave me the confidence to take this project on, which is the highest-paying freelance project that I’ve landed so far. I was also able to secure a full-time role in my local market that aligns with my values.

Nicole Stephens
Freelance Instructional Designer & eLearning Developer

After completing a master’s degree, I had plenty of technical papers highlighting my instructional design knowledge. However, I quickly realized that this isn’t what hiring managers were looking for. I needed a portfolio to show off the full range of my instructional design skills, and the idea of creating a wow-worthy portfolio overwhelmed me until I found Devlin’s ID Portfolio Bootcamp.

When I joined the bootcamp, I quickly connected with an amazing support system. Devlin’s feedback elevated my work to a higher level and I had the opportunity to learn from other industry professionals participating in the program. Giving feedback to my peers on the weekly workshops and small-group meetings also helped me sharpen my skills and focus on the design process from different perspectives.

In addition to guiding me through the portfolio process, Devlin mentored me as I launched my website and started my freelance business. His guidance gave me direction and confidence to pursue this career fully, and in the first month of freelancing I was fully booked and turning away work. My first freelance job paid more than I had made in a year's time as an educator, making the time I spent creating a quality portfolio in the bootcamp well worth the investment.

If you’re open to putting in the work and fully engaging with the bootcamp, then you’ll have the support and guidance that you need to bring your instructional design career to the next level.

Joy Spears
eLearning Developer / Trainer at City University of New York

I've been wanting to transition out of teaching for some time, but I wasn't sure which direction to take.  After researching, I discovered instructional design and Devlin Peck. I signed up for the Storyline Project Lab to learn Storyline, liked it, and proceeded to enroll in the ID Bootcamp.

I felt welcomed and supported from the moment I joined the bootcamp. From my first meeting with the transitioning teacher team to my ongoing communication with the overall community, everyone was kind, supportive, and wiling to go the extra mile to help.  

Once I began to engage with the bootcamp content, I appreciated Devlin's very clear and deliberate teaching style; he anticipates potential bumps in the road for leaners, making the material extremely accessible for non-ID folks.  

Seven months ago, I didn't know what Articulate Storyline 360 was, let alone know how to design eLearning experiences. Today, I can build an action map, write a storyboard, create a process writeup, use Adobe suite tools, and, most importantly, build a polished eLearning experience in Articulate Storyline 360.

I can confidently say that I am an instructional designer thanks to the support of the bootcamp content and community.

Sean Anderson
Sr. Associate Instructional Designer at PowerSchool

Before joining Devlin’s bootcamp, I was struggling to find a healthy work-life balance as a teacher. I loved teaching students, but I didn’t love losing my nights and weekends at the expense of my physical and mental health. I discovered instructional design, but I didn’t know how to actually go about transitioning. That is where Devlin’s bootcamp, resources, and community came in.

After finding Devlin's content and joining the bootcamp, I knew there was no turning back. I joined a community of helpful industry professionals and fellow transitioning teachers that provided me with daily support and feedback. The bootcamp also made it easy for me to quickly gain the skills necessary to break into the field. I started to feel confident with the leading industry tools and theories, all while building a network and being exposed to fresh ideas during weekly team meet-ups.

As a result of the bootcamp, I was able to land an amazing opportunity as an instructional designer within just a few months. My flagship project started conversations, landed me interviews, and eventually helped me secure job offers. I was able to combine my theoretical knowledge with a practical deliverable that showcased my technical skills and passion for learning.

I feel capable and valued, which may never have happened without this community and content. I am excited to continue learning, growing, and connecting - hopefully alongside other transitioning teachers who are ready to take the leap.

Caroline Roberts
Learning Experience Designer & Instructional Designer

I have been in the education field as a principal and assistant principal for 20 years, and I was also a training manager for a global advertising company.  I was ready for a career change in 2021, and instructional design seemed like the perfect way to leverage my experience, passion, and skillset. 

After watching several of Devlin’s YouTube videos, participating in his live trainings, and speaking to him directly, I felt confident about joining the bootcamp. The lifetime access also appealed to me. 

As soon as I joined, Devlin did an excellent job in connecting me with a welcoming bootcamp team that had similar goals. In my case, in addition to developing a top-notch portfolio, I wanted to incorporate Vyond animation into my Storyline projects. The global team that I joined had varying levels of experience with exactly what I wanted to pursue, and we were all able to support each other in our weekly meetings. 

In regards to the self-paced content, the steps are clear and there are numerous examples and resources for gleaning inspiration. Devlin has been a true partner in the process by providing feedback each step of the way both via Slack and via weekly workshops. I even took advantage of the opportunity to have my resume reviewed by Devlin and a fellow instructional design professional at a live workshop.

I admire that Devlin not only pushes us to set the bar high, but he does the same for himself. Devlin constantly shares fresh ideas with innovative workshops, provides opportunities to speed network, revamps existing videos, and often asks for feedback to ensure he is meeting bootcamp members’ needs.

The bootcamp has helped me polish my instructional design perspective and skills. And the connections that I have made, and will continue to make, with new and seasoned instructional designers makes the experience even more valuable.

So far, since I joined the bootcamp, I have been able to not only find a newfound respect for the word “iterate,” but I have also been able to obtain a part-time freelance job and a full-time contract opportunity.

Paige Casey
Instructional Designer at Employers Council

While completing my Master’s degree, I decided that I no longer wanted to teach. Soon after, I discovered the instructional design community through Devlin’s content. I had tried to begin building a portfolio on my own, but I found that without a structure in place, it was extremely difficult.

After joining the bootcamp, I fell in love with the instructional design process. Having it laid out in an easy-to-understand, self-paced format really helped me feel confident, and I was able to focus on producing the best work possible. On top of that, having the constant feedback and support from Devlin and my small group helped me grow in ways I never could have imagined beforehand.

After creating a portfolio website with two projects on it, I was able to land several interviews and secure an instructional design role making a considerable amount more than my teaching salary, with a lot of room for growth. I feel much more prepared to take on this role with the skills and tips that Devlin has given me along with the continued support of my Bootcamp Team.

Chia Yeh
Instructional Designer at KeelWorks Foundation

Before joining the Bootcamp, I was a graduate student at a research university. I was looking for resources to build up my first instructional design portfolio, and I was hoping to connect with experienced instructional designers.

That’s when I found Devlin’s YouTube channel (full of valuable instructional design content) and the helpful, supportive community that he built to help people achieve their instructional design goals.

Seeing what was available for free made me even more excited about participating in the bootcamp program, so I joined Devlin’s bootcamp soon after. I received a lot of insightful feedback from Devlin at every phase of design and development, and it helped me improve my work immensely. Devlin and my bootcamp team also helped me feel supported throughout the entire process.

After six months in the bootcamp, I published my portfolio and landed my first client. They found me via LinkedIn and were impressed with my portfolio. Now I continue to learn with this community by engaging in the Slack, learning from Devlin’s workshops, and exploring the new content as it is posted.

Raul Fajardo
Curriculum Developer at Amazon Web Services

Before joining Devlin’s bootcamp, I had just finished my master's program. Given that I wanted to transition into an ID role, I needed to be better prepared when I entered the job market. On top of that, I had my own personal goal to transition into tech, but I didn’t know how to go about it.

I, like many others, discovered Devlin through LinkedIn and took note of his bootcamp offering. Because many companies required a portfolio, I knew I needed to get to work so that I could stand out in the field and land the role that I wanted. I decided to join the bootcamp and the rest was history.

Once I joined the bootcamp, I knew I had made the right decision. The structured modules, the community space, the opportunities for feedback, and the overall support from Devlin enabled me to succeed. Had I gone through this process on my own, I’m not sure if I would have been where I am at today.

My biggest accomplishment, aside from developing a flagship project for my portfolio, was landing my dream role with Amazon Web Services as a Curriculum Developer. The bootcamp allowed me to network with the right people and get the resources I needed to be successful in the interview process.

It’s pretty easy for me to say that I fulfilled my dream, and that is in big thanks to the bootcamp and the support that I received.

Jenny Glenn
Learning Experience Designer

Before I joined the bootcamp, I had a background in video editing, graphics, and animation, but I only had a basic introduction to Articulate Storyline and hadn’t created any significant projects with the tool. Up to joining the bootcamp, I was much more of a siloed creator, working by myself. I had little experience working with a community of like-minded learners, all growing and helping one another.

Upon joining the bootcamp, I immediately felt like I had found a master guide in Devlin Peck: one who combines a warm, positive and empathetic attitude and great teaching ability, with a rigorous commitment to guiding all of us step-by-step to create meaningful, high-quality eLearning solutions for real-world business issues.

I really value the real-time community on Slack that Devlin encourages us all to join and participate in. The regular reviews and feedback from Devlin and our fellow bootcampers created a rich, constructive learning atmosphere that pushed everyone to improve. Devlin’s practice of giving generous and honest feedback himself really set the bar high for everyone.

Through Devlin’s thorough step-by-step eLearning scenario development process, I had the satisfaction of identifying a real business issue, developing actionable solutions, and then developing a complete, high-quality eLearning module. I now have the confidence to use this process on other projects.

After the flagship project, I created supporting projects and a professional eLearning portfolio website. Devlin and the community gave feedback every step of the way to help me do my best work.

Once my portfolio was ready, I was able to secure several professional freelance contracts for projects that use Articulate Storyline and Vyond. I’ve created online training and job aids for clients, and I continue to develop my Storyline skills in Devlin’s Storyline Project Lab.

Steven Chea
Instructional Designer at SureSkills

Before I joined Devlin’s bootcamp, I was hunting for work in the instructional design field with little luck, and I had only a vague idea of what a portfolio should contain. What I came up with was essentially a picture gallery of my work that provided little explanation of my process or impact.

I recognized quickly that this wouldn’t get me far, and I began searching for advice on how to improve it. I stumbled across Devlin’s website and began reading the articles there. These articles were more relevant to the specific challenges faced by transitioning instructional designers than most other resources I encountered. 

Because his work resonated with me, I jumped on the opportunity to join Devlin’s bootcamp as soon as it was available. I entered expecting a typical online course comprised of weekly webinars, but I’m happy to report that it ended up being much more. 

The content itself was clear and backed up by strong examples, and everyone had the chance to get direct feedback on their work from peers and Devlin himself. The community of like-minded people made the bootcamp a great place to network and share ideas.

After weeks of hard work driven by loads of valuable input, I finally created a portfolio that I felt proud of. Not only did it provide a much more detailed showcase of my abilities, but it also allowed my personality to shine through. 

Even better, my portfolio got me noticed! I recently landed a role as an instructional designer with a training provider in Dublin, Ireland (and yes, they did specifically highlight my portfolio during the interview). I’m truly grateful for all that I learned and the relationships I built from participating in the bootcamp, and I would definitely recommend it to anyone else looking to gain an edge on breaking into the field.

Kimberly Goh
Interactive Video Designer & Freelance eLearning Expert

Before I started working with Devlin, I had a freelance business, a website, and a portfolio, but business was slow. So when I saw Devlin’s announcement that he was launching the bootcamp, I jumped at the chance to learn from him. I had followed him for years on social media and could tell he would be a good coach.

My 1-on-1 conversations with Devlin were extremely valuable. He quickly walked through my website and gave me a few design tips that had a huge impact. He also encouraged me to add Vyond animation to my portfolio, and Vyond has since become one of the main pillars of my interactive video business. 

Devlin helped me think through my marketing strategy and how to position myself in the online space. I hadn’t used YouTube for marketing before and he pointed me to a few key resources to get me started. That was something I really appreciated about Devlin: he’s not only a good ID coach, he’s a great business coach as well.

Devlin’s advice had a huge impact on my freelance interactive video business. I overhauled my website, added several projects to my portfolio, and launched a YouTube channel about interactive video.

I was able to use my enhanced portfolio and YouTube videos to build out a full marketing funnel that really accelerated my business. As a result, I’ve had the opportunity to work with a number of new clients, including a Fortune 500 company.

If you’re on the fence about working with Devlin or checking out his bootcamp, I highly recommend you give it a try. He’s an outstanding coach who really understands how to help people achieve their goals.

Rachna Ghiya
Freelance eLearning Designer and Developer

I was trying to transition to the eLearning field after being an animated video producer for almost 6 years. However, I found myself lost in a sea of information and couldn't figure out the best way to develop interactive eLearning. I lacked the confidence to single-handedly take on an eLearning project, and this is when I found Devlin's bootcamp. 

The bootcamp helped me kick off my career as an eLearning consultant. It gave me a step-by-step process for designing eLearning, covering everything from needs analysis to developing eLearning in an authoring tool. 

Devlin's teaching methodology and availability for bootcampers also helped me immensely. His support and the bootcamp as a whole ensured that I never felt alone in this journey. Devlin’s Slack channel, community-led bootcamp teams, and the weekly bootcamp gazette help me continually grow as an eLearning professional.

The biggest thing that the bootcamp helped me achieve is confidence. I learned a streamlined approach to designing eLearning that produces results, and I use it with all of my new clients. With my updated website, flagship project, and optimized LinkedIn profile and resume, I have been  growing my business and growing as an independent eLearning professional.

Ahsheka Ramachandran
Instructional Designer & eLearning Developer

A year ago, I decided to switch careers from Finance to Instructional Design. I pursued my professional degree, but I was clueless about how to apply the theoretical principles and build a portfolio that would appeal to hiring managers.  

Devlin's bootcamp helped me build my confidence in my new skills. I felt overwhelmed at at the beginning of this journey, but with each passing deliverable in the bootcamp (and the feedback that came along with it), I appreciated my capabilities more.

Now I've landed my first freelance project. My client appreciated the visual design and detailed process write-up on my website. I am thrilled to see my journey in instructional design unfold as I attract more opportunities.

Alexis Hovanesian
Instructional Designer at Boomi

Before I joined the bootcamp, I felt lost and overwhelmed trying to transition from elementary English language instructor to instructional designer. Although this is a viable path for some, I realized that I needed more direction.

I did a lot of research on the bootcamp and knew that I would be able to learn valuable instructional design skills while also receiving the feedback and support that I wanted while creating my flagship project and portfolio website.

Once I joined the bootcamp, I felt a huge relief. I quickly found a partner with a similar background and career goals who I could share ideas and questions with. I was also able to join bootcamp teams where we supported and inspired one another on our team meetings.

Overall, the feedback from the bootcamp pros and community members was reassuring, honest, and extremely helpful, and the bootcamp gave me the structure, guidance and support that I knew I needed. The additional inspiration from seeing how people in the bootcamp accomplished things made the experience even more rewarding.

With the help of the bootcamp, I was able to take an idea and turn it into a fully functioning and aesthetically pleasing eLearning experience. At the beginning of this process, I felt in awe of those who had already finished their portfolios. But, as I worked through the well-organized and structured bootcamp courses, I recognized that my own instructional design, eLearning development, and visual design skills had improved significantly.

I now feel very confident in my portfolio and my technical and instructional design skills. Because of the bootcamp, I have a valuable set of new skills and a portfolio that I'm proud of. I've had numerous interviews and received multiple offers, and I recently accepted a new role as an Instructional Designer!

Sarah Berger
Training Specialist at Tulane University

In 2021, I was working in a higher education student services role.  However, I felt drained and under-stimulated by the work and wanted to shift into something that made good use of my creativity and problem-solving skills.

I realized that my past professional roles that involved training and teaching were the most rewarding, so I began to research ways to engage more deeply with those skill sets.  That's how I found instructional design.  After some research, reading, and informational interviews, I decided to join Devlin Peck's bootcamp in 2022.

It was exciting to join the bootcamp!  I was eager to learn new skills - and I found that my cohort was equally driven to learn.  I liked that the learning process was very hands-on, and it was motivating to have deliverables.  Most importantly, it was great to have ongoing feedback on those deliverables from peers and coaches.

I have a great start to my portfolio website and will continue to add projects there.  I started a training-focused role in May 2023, and I'm not sure that I could have made that switch without the bootcamp.  Ultimately, I'd like to work as a freelancer - but I'm grateful for this step in the right direction.  I feel relieved and empowered!

David Leisey
Curriculum Developer at Amazon Web Services

I came across Devlin’s content on his website and YouTube channel soon after discovering instructional design. I was impressed with his clear passion for helping others jump into this field. As a former teacher with a love of technology and design, I knew that an instructional design job would be a perfect fit for me. However, I lacked the clarity and direction necessary to create a well-rounded portfolio.

When Devlin’s Portfolio Bootcamp opened up, I immediately signed up and was excited to join instructional designers in various stages of their ID journeys. I also joined a fantastic small team of instructional designers within the bootcamp who challenged and encouraged me as I built my portfolio.

Devlin’s instructive feedback throughout different stages of the bootcamp was invaluable. Through the feedback and encouragement of Devlin and my team, I was able to create a solid portfolio website with multiple high-quality projects that showcase my skills. This gave me greater confidence leading into my job search, and I was able to land a Curriculum Developer position at Amazon Web Services.

Min Tang
Learning Experience Architect at Fidelity Investments

Before the bootcamp, I was working on the transition from higher education to the tech field. I worked as a researcher and professor at multiple universities over the past ten years, and I received tremendous support from my peers along the way. 

Although I grew professionally in many ways, I felt that I had not realized my full potential. I was looking to improve my design, technology, and coding skills, and after much consideration, I decided to pursue a career in corporate instructional design and start a new chapter of my life.

When I reached out to Devlin about his bootcamp, he patiently explained to me the mission and values of the program. I was impressed by his coaching skills, consistent effort in instructional design, and user-centric approach to design. 

When I joined the bootcamp, Devlin’s constructive feedback pushed my skills in design and development to a new level. His content helped me apply instructional and user-experience design theories and best practices to my projects. My bootcamp team also helped me feel a strong sense of community and a culture of continued learning.

After creating my flagship project, I started to get interviews and offers from top training firms and FAANG companies. My goal was to find a place that supports my ambitions and goals, and I happily accepted a six-figure offer from a top fintech company that met this criteria. 

My new role includes a significant component of conducting UX research, collaborating with consultants on need analyses, and guiding designers to create learning assets for long-term learning programs. I am happy that my role enables me to apply my skills in instructional design, UX research, and agile methodology to solve complex business problems. At the same time, I am also collaborating with top tech companies on various projects. 

Devlin's bootcamp helped me refine my skills, build my confidence, and present my work in the best light to make all of this possible. Devlin supported my decisions and encouraged me every step of the way, and the bootcamp didn’t just help me land a new role—it helped me break into the tech space and broaden my perspective on my career as a whole.

Jenniber Palo headshot cover photo
Jenniber Palo
Instructional Designer at Appian Corporation

When the pandemic hit, I decided it was going to be my last year teaching in a public school. I was ready to change my career for something that offers more freedom and flexibility. I learned instructional design through an online Master’s program, but it wasn’t until joining Devlin’s bootcamp that I truly got my feet wet in the field.

Joining the bootcamp gave me the hands-on practice I needed to enhance my technical skills, do paid work, and ace interviews. Learning how to build a scenario-based project using the tools and the structure provided by the bootcamp helped me provide ample sample work that landed me a full-time opportunity, even before finishing my portfolio website.

I'm so happy to have successfully transitioned into this new career. I'm looking forward to making a real difference at my organization, all while earning a higher salary and enjoying better work-life balance. I couldn't have done it without the bootcamp!

Chloe (Yuxiao) Zhong Headshot Photo
Chloe (Yuxiao) Zhong
Content Designer at Reforge

I joined Devlin’s bootcamp at the end of 2020 when I was in a business development-related role at a college-prep company. Although I have a master’s degree in Education, I found it hard to land an instructional design-related role. I didn’t have the experience and I didn’t know what I should do to even pass the resume screening. However, joining Devlin's bootcamp and applying what I learned at my company helped me incredibly.

When I saw Devlin was opening a bootcamp in November 2020, I didn’t hesitate to join because I’m a longtime follower of his blogs and I knew the content would be great. In fact, the content exceeded my expectations! I learned how to hone my projects and put together a portfolio; I learned how to build a portfolio website and prepare for interviews; I got the best feedback from my peers and Devlin through live sessions and I am so grateful for all of this!

After 2 months of working with Devlin, I improved the training materials (my flagship project) for my previous employer and, eventually, they decided to publish the materials as their official documents. I built my portfolio website and crafted my resume with the guidance from the bootcamp content and my peers. In the end, I got 3 interview invitations from the first 10 applications I sent out.

Now I am working as a Content Designer at Reforge, a leading online professional education company based in SF. My work is more eLearning development-oriented than instructional design. It is exactly what I wanted and I couldn't have done this without Devlin, his bootcamp, and my peers. The best thing about this bootcamp is how closely it aligns with the industry requirements — what you learn and do will be most relevant to what employers are looking for.

If you’re looking to fast-track your ID journey and set yourself up for success, there are no better places to do so than Devlin’s content and the bootcamp.

Theresa Brough Headshot Photo
Theresa Brough
Learning and Development Coordinator at Home Furniture

When I enrolled in Devlin’s ID Bootcamp, I had some knowledge of curriculum development through my teaching background, but a limited understanding of how to apply learning theory to adult learning in the workplace.

Through the ID bootcamp, I was able to interact with other instructional designers at many different levels, ask questions, receive valuable feedback, and observe a wide variety of creative learning projects. Although it was intimidating at first, I quickly became comfortable with the community of amazing professionals within the ID bootcamp and gained so much valuable knowledge from our interactions.

Devlin also provided an abundance of user-friendly content and instruction regarding the technological tools available and the design process, and he also provided personalized feedback on each step of my project development and visual design.

I have now fully transitioned from classroom teaching to a Learning and Development role, and I am thrilled to be able to use my knowledge and skills in this context. I am so grateful for the skills and confidence that I acquired in this course, and I look forward to continuing to interact with this community of instructional designers who have been so generous in sharing their expertise.

Jessica Salunga - Instructional Designer
Jessica Salunga
Freelance Instructional Designer

Before joining the bootcamp, I was a full-time student in an instructional design certificate program. As I was trying to get my ducks in a row to land my first ID job upon graduation, I quickly realized that I would need some guidance to develop a professional portfolio; I wanted to create one that would make me a competitive candidate.

Devlin’s bootcamp provided just that—and more! Through the skills I developed in this bootcamp and the support I got from my cohort, I was able to confidently land my first freelance gig before even graduating!

Explore the Showcase

Would you like to see the portfolios and projects that people create in the bootcamp? If so, check out the showcase!

Visit the Showcase